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Rev. Dr. Samuel and Rev. (Mrs) Rose Donkor are the founders of All Nations Full Gospel Church and Senior Pastors at the Headquarters in Toronto, Ontario. Dr. Samuel Donkor began his ministry in 1978 as a young college graduate in Ghana West Africa, when he answered the call to ministry. He founded the World Reconciliation Evangelistic Ministries Inc., and in a relatively short period, planted three churches before migrating to Canada in 1981. Consumed with a great passion for soul winning, he walked the streets of Jane and Finch in Toronto, leading countless numbers of people to Christ.

After his ordination in 1986 with the Evangelical Church Alliance, he took a step of faith and plunged into pastoral ministry. About 30 people decided to form the new church called All Nations Full Gospel Church (ANFGC). In July 1992, the opening service was held at 4401 Steeles Avenue West, the main congregation of about 2000 members drawn from over 60 different countries.

Dr. Samuel and Rev. Rose Donkor have a unique gift of training and releasing people to fulfill their destinies, and have successfully planted churches in Hamilton, Ajax, Ottawa, Kitchener, Oakville, Calgary, London, Windsor, St. Catherines, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina,Quebec, Vancouver, Dallas, Texas and Roseville. Branches of the ANFGC have also been planted in Europe and

Africa. Their passion for souls have led them to many countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, UAE, United Kingdom, Haiti, Jamaica, Nigeria, Russia, and others.

Their flourishing ministry has seen them leave footprints of excellence on the global Christian landscape, working in close concert with visionaries like the late Arch Bishop Idahosa, Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai, Dr. Dick Mills, Bishop David Oyedepo, Dr Chuck Flynn and Rev. Kim Wetland (US), Rev. Sylvan Davis (Dubai), the late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran (India) and a host of other prominent men and women of God all over the world. Dr. Samuel and Rev. Rose Donkor are anointed to make disciples of all nations.

Dr. Donkor is also the founder and President of All Nations Bible College, Toronto, which is affiliated with the Canadian Christian

College. The All Nations Bible College has trained hundreds of men and women who are now on fire for God.

Their vision in establishing a Christian University to give people the opportunity to further their education and to be able to transfer theory into practical application, resulted in the founding of the All Nations University (ANU) in Koforidua, Ghana. Today, ANU continues to produce high-calibre graduates who are making important strides in academia and in various industries around the world. The University also provides educational services to assist churches in many areas of ministry, assisting in capacity building and professional development.

Dr. Samuel and Rev. Rose Donkor are blessed with four God fearing children, Rev David, Rev Paul, Samuel Jnr and Hadassah. They have also been blessed with three lovely grandchildren David II, Dior Rose, and Christian.

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